Nuclear Measurements

Signal processing for position sensitive detection (PSD) of neutrons

See the ANTE usual TDC signal acquisition system product for 2D X-Y intensity spectrum   

Our PSD electronics and software deliver all the necessary information (Time-Of-Flight, X-Y position) about each incoming neutrons:

  • Event Recording (details are here)
  • X-Y position coordinates
  • Absolute time stamp with 0.1 microsec resolution and 1 year time scale
  • Elapsed time from chopper or T0 time as TOF signal

See the ANTE TDC event recording product details here.

Neutron beam profiler / monitor

Our electronics and software continuously monitor the neutron beam. It has 3 modes of operation:

  • monitoring the actual total count rate
    • plus Time Of Flight (velocity) distribution of the incoming neutrons
      if chopper / T0 input is connected
  • 1 dimensional (X or Y) beam profile
    • plus Time Of Flight (velocity) distribution of the incoming neutrons
      if chopper / T0 input is connected
  • 2 dimensional (X – Y) beam profile
    • plus Time Of Flight (velocity) distribution of the incoming neutrons
      if chopper / T0 input is connected

See the ANTE MonitorProfiler product details here.

Multichannel signal processing for neutron detectors in TOF mode

Our multichannel TOF electronics and software deliver Time-Of-Flight (TOF) information for each connected 0 dimensional detectors:

  • Absolute time stamp with 0.1 microsec resolution and 1 year time scale
  • Elapsed time from any chopper orT0 time as TOF signal

See the ANTE TOF product details here.

Spectrometer with high number of 2D PSD tubes plus TOF mode

We deliver complete solution for large scale detector surfaces built from individual 2D PSD neutron detector tubes filled with He3.  We can refer our previous deliveries upon request..